Bella Wulansari


The Paris Agreement on Climate Change has captured the world's attention. Human activity has been the primary cause of climate change. Human activities that contribute to climate change include the use of gasoline in transportation, the use of coal to heat a building, and industrial pollutants. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, these activities can produce greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide and methane.

As a result, worldwide is attempting to transition to low-carbon energy sources. To that objective, some industries are cutting operational emissions, reducing coal use, and expanding investment in low-carbon metals such as nickel, cobalt, copper, and lithium. Nickel is largely employed in a variety of industry sectors, including stainless steel manufacture, construction, consumer products, and even automotive. For instance, Elon Musk is developing a new response in the shape of the Tesla electric automobile. In this case, nickel is a prerequisite for the production of energy batteries for Tesla-powered mobility.

Then there is one country that is the world's largest producer of nickel. This nation is Indonesia, which is in Southeast Asia. This country claims the first place on the globe for nickel production, with 21 tons of nickel in its reserves. In other terms, it accounts for around 22% of the total global supply known to humans. Sulawesi and North Maluku provinces in Indonesia are nickel producers. In 2017, Indonesia effectively increased its output from 345K metric tons (MT) to 1.6M MT by 2022. This country is aggressively developing its EV battery business for electric automobiles and another area that is required for EV batteries in the upcoming years.

Furthermore, China's current position as the world's leader in EV manufacturing makes close proximity to Indonesia an ideal setup. Finally, in 2021, Indonesia welcomed the start-up of nickel processing for EV batteries. In only three years, this country has negotiated contracts worth more than $15 billion with worldwide manufacturers for battery materials and EV production.

To sum up, we know that climate change is the most pressing global issue today. Increased greenhouse gas emissions can have disastrous consequences for our planet. We can transform it for the better with the help of widely disseminated technology and vast amounts of accessible energy. Indonesia may be the last of our hopes to preserve the world. Nevertheless, Indonesia cannot do this on its own. All countries from all around the world can work together to make a better world.

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