The Backstory of The Earth's Famous Checkmate Village

Bella Wulansari


There is a small village on Earth that is immensely popular around the world due to an ancient game known as chess. This village is located in Marottichal, Kerala, South India. Chess saves this village from the village's habits of drinking, crime, and compulsive gambling. The chess habit is beginning with the trailblazer who campaigns for a healthy habit in order to save his village from those negative addictions. And here is the backstory.

Marottichal Checkmate Village is a small village in India where more than 90% of the people play chess. It all started with the man known as Unnimaman. He is a teashop owner who is the one and only taught people in his village to abandon the bad habit. He saw a major problem in his village 50 years ago, in which people there were bored. Then they began to drink and smoke. Unnimaman was pained to witness this since he knew how detrimental drinking and smoking were to people's health. Besides that, alcohol and smoking are the primary causes of many crimes. 

As a result, Unnimaman seeks to come up with a novel strategy to persuade people in his village to quit their bad habits. Finally, he found a new way to pass the time by playing chess. Subsequently, he taught others how to play the game, and the entire village fell in love with it. It encourages individuals of all ages to play chess at various hours of the day and night. Unnimaman believes that chess is the best game for preventing alcohol and drug addiction. 

Unnimaman deserves praise for taking such an important step for his village. Marottichal is now well-known as India's first village full of competent chess players. Viswanathan Anand, an Indian legend and grandmaster of chess, acknowledged this truth. Furthermore, Marottichal served as the inspiration for the film August Club, which premieres in 2013. 

Even though this village was popular for a long time, there are still some people who are unaware of its existence. This village teaches us many things. Let's start with Unnimaman. We can learn from him about being a good trailblazer in making a big effort for humanity. It shows in his efforts to change bad habits into good habits in his village. In other words, Unnimaman shows us that kindness is something anyone can give without losing anything in themselves. 

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