4 MBTI's Personality Types as the World's Rarest Types

Bella Wulansari


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI, is one of the most widely used personality tests in the world today in place of the Enneagram. The purpose of this test is to measure a person's intelligence, talent, and personality. Isabel Briggs Myers developed MBTI as the originator of the idea in 1940. This psychological test consists of two attitudes, Introversion (I) and Extroversion (E). In addition, four functions include Rational Functions such as; Thinking (T) and Feeling (F), as well as Irrational Functions such as; Intuitive (N) and Sensing (S). MBTI also adds Judgement (J) and Perception (P), which act as determinants of a person more dominant in Rational judgment or Irrational Judgement When they socialize in the surrounding environment. MBTI is divided into 16 types. Among all personality types, four types of MBTI only have less than 3% of the population in the world. Here are the four personality types;
First of all, there is an Intuitive Feeling Judging Introversion or abbreviated as INFJ is the personality type of MBTI, the rarest in the world with a percentage of 1.5% of the total population in the world. INFJs are often referred to as Counselors because they tend to be future-oriented, perfectionist yet quiet, full of ideas, and don't like to deal with the hard stuff. In addition, someone with this type of INFJ also tends to have a great sense of empathy for others and is an unpredictable person.

The following rare MBTI personality is Extroversion Intuitive Thinking and Judging (ENTJ). This personality nicknamed The Commander has only about 1.8% more people than the INFJ. Belonging to the Extrovert group, an ENTJ has a highly skilled spirit. This personality also has a heightened sense of confidence coupled with the ability to communicate well and be intelligent in solving a problem.

Solitary, closed, and highly objective are characteristics of an INTJ (Introversion Intuitive Thinking, and Judging) who has a total of 2.1% of the total population in the world. In contrast to INFJs, this personality type tends to be cold and insensitive to the surrounding environment. They tend not to like things related to emotions or feelings. INTJ personalities have often been dubbed Masterminds because they tend to be thinkers and intelligent in strategy. In addition, they excel in academic terms of a theoretical nature that require very logical thinking.

And the last one is Extraversion Intuition Feeling Judging or ENFJ after INTJ with a percentage of 2.5% of the total population in the world. ENFJ personality is the most capable of making friendships with almost everyone, even with very quiet or closed people. On contrary, the INTJ personality type tends to be aloof, withdrawn, and cold. ENFJ is an amiable, warm, and sensitive figure.

In short, of all the MBTI personality types that exist, they must have their advantages and disadvantages. Although MBTI is the most popular personality test globally, it does not mean that this test can be said to be accurate just because the standard of reliability and validity is acceptable. In several cases, sometimes this MBTI test is considered less valid because someone who undergoes several MBTI tests shows a mindset and behavior that is not under the benchmarks of each type.


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